Boogie Mountain

2 day camp: $150 for non members / $120 for members

3 day camp: $200 for non members / $180 for members

5 day camp: $330for non members / $300 for members

7 day camp: $460for non members / $420 for members

9 day camp: $595for non members / $540 for members

Daily rate for 1 day CAN$100
Daily rate for 2 days CAN$75
Daily rate for 3 days and more CAN$66


2h jumping session: $30

Boler Mountain

4 day camp: $400


May 6th - 7th: Kamiskotia

June 10th - 11th: Boogie Moountain

July 7th - 9th: Boogie Mountain

August 3rd - 6th: Boler Mountain

August 19th - 21st: Boogie Mountain

August 21st - 25th: Boogie Mountain  NEW

August 26th - 27th: Boogie Mountain  NEW

September 16th - 17th: Boogie Mountain

The hours of the camp
Camp starts at 10:00am

10:00 - 10:30 warm up and some fitness

10:30 - 12:30 Jumping

12:30 -  1:30 Lunch

1:30 -  3:45 Jumping

4:00 -  5:00 workout  and cool down

Things to bring


Ski and snowboard gear
Workout clothes and shoes

Yoga mat
Swim suit and towel
Snacks and lunch
Water bottle (water fountain inside)
Long pants and long sleeve shirts (weather can change quickly)
We recommend long pants, and long sleeve shirts for jumping
Change of clothes
Bug spray (the bugs should be gone but you never know)

We will be doing physical testing. Your results will be compared to the minimum standards of the National team.

You will see your strengths and weaknesses.

We will have goal setting session and how to make a yearly training plan session.  These are good sessions for parents to attend.



all prices + tax

Looking back:

+ August 21st - 27th

Treetops, Summer 2014

Boler Mountain, Summer 2016

Boogie Mountain, Fall 2016

Spring Time at Boogie Mountain 2017

Kamiskotia Snow Resort

May 6th - 7th 2017

introduction to freestyle

age 6 - 12


Motel and Hotels
The prices range from $80-140 a night  Is right by a lake with a beach. 2 miles from Boogie Mountain. They have canoe and Kayak rentals is right in downtown Espanola. 1.5 miles from Boogie mountain This is a higher end place. I have never been there

Camp Grounds  This camp ground comes as the highest recommended in the area. Rates are as low as $32.00. It is around 3 miles from Boogie

There is no camping at Boogie mountain.
It is not equipped with showers and also their insurance and our would not cover people camping there. Plus there are bears, wolves and other good size critters that could come and say “Hi” at different times of the night.

There is no fridge at Boogie for the summer. Cooking in the lodge is not an option.

Please clean up all your garbage. Do not leave water bottles, gator aid, power aid bottles lying around. When you bring your lunch or snacks make sure you pick up after yourself.

Remember we are guests at the mountain. If you have to ask you probably know the answer.

Our insurance has made it very clear these are rules that have to be followed during the camps

Only people that are registered in the camps will be allowed to use any of the equipment. 

If a person is not registered in the camp there will be no jumping in the airbags with or without skis and snowboards. Will not be allowed inside the airbags, or will not be allowed to use the rails.

If you are not a Canadian certified coach of appropriate level (air 2 and 3) you cannot coach anyone.  As soon as you tell an athlete what to do, you have resumed all liabilities if there is an accident.

You can coach your own child but you would have to sign a release form accepting all responsibility and waiving us and Boogie of all liability for the athlete and yourself. You also assume liability if equipment is broken. Example; your athlete goes through the side of the airbag or lands on a fan.


...was amazing, we even had snow to play on

contact Tom: 1-819-217-9351 or

We design your personal continues training program for you to suit your budget. Talk to us!

Boogie Mountain Camp: Sessions Ride Co., Roberts Electrical


The freestyle summer park at Boogie Mountain is getting bigger and bigger. We have small, medium and large jumps into the airbag, small low boxes, slip and slide, workout area, sun deck for yoga and break, slag line and more.

For the next camp we are planing to extend the jump line, add a rail and a drop off jump!

Next Camps: July 7 - 9, August 19 - 27, September 16 - 17 (more dates to come)

@ Kamiskotia Snow Resort, Boogie Mountain, Boler Moountain and Searchmont Resort

Our Winters here are so short. Summer Camps are the perfect way to get you in shape and all set for the next on snow season. Physical, mental and technical training all in one camp. Combined with balance training, physical conditioning and some gymnastics. Learn new tricks on the airbag, make a training plan and set your goals for the winter or even the next whole year. 
Bring your skate boards and long boards, soccer ball, volley ball, swim suit for late afternoon fun!

coaching from 3x Olympic coach Tom Hutchinson (ChPC)
and Claudia Hutchinson (Level 200 coach)